Saturday, May 22, 2010

What about Yost?

I want to start this blog with some historical, factual statements.

1. Yost has a long history with Woodway, going back 30 years.
2. Yost started his full time career with Woodway as a Police officer in 1981.
3. Yost served as Public Safety Director for Woodway Prior to 2001.
4. Yost was asked by the 01 council to take a new combined position of City Manager/Public Safety Director.
5. That first year of combined service, this consolidation saved the city over $75,000 in salaries.
6. Woodway has had an assistant police chief since the late 90s.
7. Woodway had an assistant city manager before Yost took the combined position.
8. 2001-2002 Yost served as President of the Texas Police Chiefs association.
9. Yost was recently elected vice-president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
10. Karen OBric answered to Yost at the time she was released from city employment last year.
11. Though not mandated, Yost is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Here is a critical point -- all of the above statements can be VERIFIED by Woodway city records. No allegations or innuendos. With those facts, let's talk about Yost. Take the time to talk to city employees and you will find the following: The lion's share either love or like Yost. Additional proof? Employee turnover -- it is desirably low. Watch them work and see a happy cohesive group, even when he is not in the building. That is a reflection of Yost's leadership.

Talk to those in the community that regularly work with Yost, and most like him or respect the way he handles his job. How do you get to be President of the Texas Police Chiefs Association or Vice President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police? It's by having values, professionalism, and a sincere desire to work with others for a greater good.

Am I saying everyone loves or likes him? Not at all. When you are in a leadership position, there will always be those that disagree with you or have personality conflicts with you. Others wanted special treatment that was not granted, holding a grudge. Look at your own life experiences, and you will see there are those that don't like you without good reason. It happens.

Has Yost ever made a mistake? Sure he has. But I have always found Yost open to correction and the will of the people, when they take the time to talk to him. Now if it's a beauty contest, Yost understands he won't win. But that's okay...he knows his limitations too.

I mentioned two offices held by Yost outside of Woodway - President of Texas Police Chiefs Association and Vice-president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Detractors will say "see, he spends time away from the city!". I will tell you time spent away from the city is actually very little and always endorsed by the seated council at the time. Why? Because they understood that holding leadership in these programs gains Woodway Public Safety access to programs a city our size wouldn't get otherwise. It also allows Woodway to share ideas with other successful departments, again improving our Public Safety. This is a win for citizens. Proof? How many cities of our size have a swat team, good enough to be called on by neighboring communities?

Yost and I haven't always agreed. That's okay. Personally I like Yost, impressed by his ethic and the organization under him. I like him because he is consistent. Know Yost today and you know how he will react tomorrow. I understand there are those that don't, but they are a minority. So why the sudden concern over Yost having too much power? Tomorrow I explain the OB Agenda.