Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Perfect Storm..............

The best description of what happened on election day is the phrase "a perfect storm". Before I speak about "the storm", let me take a moment to describe my past years of civic service. I have always been convicted that if you want a good community environment to raise your family , you must be an active participant. Since living in the greater Waco area, I have served at numerous functions and in numerous organizations. Church, Kiwanis, HOT Soccer ( coach, BOD, and President), MISD MAST committee, Woodway Planning & Zoning, Woodway City Council, etc. I graduated from the Woodway Citizen Police Academy, learning as much as I could about our city Public Safety. I list these things for background purposes only -- I have always been the benefactor spiritually when serving with an open heart. In short, giving is receiving. My faith leads me to understand that if my effort is sincere, God will bless it. So to God I give thanks and to God goes the glory.

Back to the "perfect storm". I believe three things defined and built this "storm". First, the economy has citizens nervous and uneasy. These are financially troubling times, and not much on the news offers hope. Secondly, the average working citizen has been angered over the current presidential administration forcing national agendas, which in turn increases national debt and taxes. This anger has manifested in a growing "incumbent backlash", a " throw them out regardless of who they are" mentality. Finally, uneasy and angry from the first two, voters became a fertile ground to grow the slander and lies of a person named Mike OBric.

Listen, the economy is what it is. No one person can change it -- I can't, you can't. Concerning National Politics, this also is something I can't change as an individual at this time. I do believe if Woodway is any indication, a lot of incumbents will be voted out on the national scene in November. Some bad, some good. The danger for the public is that when votes are cast strictly on the emotion of " throw the incumbents out", it's easy to lose sight of the fact that by default you are voting someone else in. A familiar saying warns--- "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water". Anger that says "anyone is better than the guy in office " is plain scary. Finally, there is Mike OBric. Speak of Mike and you speak of Karen OBric. The two are inseparable. Whatever one does, the other has involvement. They are smart people and they are active people. Beyond that, their history reveals a power hungry and destructive path under the guise of self sacrifice. More on them later. Tomorrow's Blog - the 09' Council Legacy.