Sunday, May 30, 2010

Short Detour...

Allow me to take a short "detour" before blogging about the first council meeting. New councilman Chuck Garner has noted that a number of council members began their service by appointment. I agree with that observation. He goes on to wonder why appointments instead of elections, and infers this all started once Yost ( who he demonstrates a dislike for) became City Manager. Good news -- the answers are simple and common sense.

First, appointment is legal and can be verified - I will allow Chuck to confirm if he will.

Secondly, I will speak to the three appointments made during my stay on council. Chuck may not be familiar with Carleen Bright, but she resigned after years and years on the council. I had previously made it known to Mayor Don Baker that I would have an interest in serving on the council in the future. At the time of Carleen's resignation, I was serving on the Woodway Planning and Zoning Commission. Although I knew who they were, I had no previous relationship with Yost or any of the serving council members. I was interviewed by a few council members and Don, and was asked to serve. I went unchallenged the first time my seat came up for reelection.

The next appointment was De Smith for the seat vacated by Rodney Kroll. Rodney, like Carleen, had served a number of years on the council. He left to represent our area on the brand new Water District Board that was formed under a mandate by the state. De Smith came with a strong history of service and at the time was serving on the Planning and Zoning Board. I had recommended De as she had always served with an independent voice on P&Z, never afraid to speak up for citizens' interests.

The final appointment was Scott Giddenings for the seat vacated by Tony Wommack. Tony resigned his seat because he and his family moved to a new house outside the city limits. Due to living outside the city, he became ineligible to serve on the council. Two written requests through the city newsletter were put out asking for anyone interested to submit an application. The number of respondents was very small ( I remember two, but it could have been four). Of those, Scott had previous City Council service with the city of Marble Falls. He also served as Mayor of Marble Falls as well. Three council members, Jane, Don, and I interviewed Scott before recommending him. He had no previous relationship with anyone on the council. What he did have was strong references and great experience.

So why fill seats by appointment? First it is legally acceptable. Secondly, TML (the Texas Municipal League) recognizes this method as a valid and approved method. Finally, it saves money.

To hold a special election costs thousands of dollars, a cost the city must bear.

A couple of final comments. The system of appointing people with city government experience has proven historically successful. Look at the lack of real conflict in the past, tax rate held, and responsible city budget. Also understand the Planning and Zoning Committee comes closest of all committees to dealing with issues that a council sees. It has always proven a good place to find people that understand our city workings and have a desire to serve. Then there is the city of Waco. Today in the Waco Trib, dated 5/30/10, front page of section 1B, is an article detailing the city of Waco and how they will be appointing someone to fill a vacant council seat. Obviously they find it an acceptable practice. Here's one last observation. None of the 4 new councilmen have any city government experience; in fact prior to election, they had not volunteered for city service on any commission or board. This explains why Mr. Garner doesn't know anything about appointments.

Chuck is calling for all future vacancies to be filled by special election. With the rise of the OBric party and their agenda, that is probably best for the citizens of Woodway.

Although he did not try to find out why appointments were used in the past, I urge him to put this to our citizens. Just be sure and explain to them the complete truth about appointments as well as the additional cost to taxpayers.

Okay, back on task. Next Blog, the First Council Meeting.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Things Get Interesting

Between the day of the election and the first council meeting, things got interesting. I left a congratulatory message for Gil Lillard. Gil won the council seat I previously held. Gil left an acknowledgement message in return.

A day or two later, Gil sought me out by phone and we spoke. After exchanging pleasantries, Gil began a curious set of statements. First, two or three times he said he wished he had defeated councilman Jane Kittner instead of me. Then he proceeded to tell me that he was an independent voice on the council. When I asked what he meant, he told me there were " the OBric guys, the incumbents, and then there is me. I am a lone wolf." He wanted to know if he could call me in the future about questions he might have concerning city business . Before I could answer, he again told me he was his own man and would be making his own decisions. I responded by telling Gil I was going to take some time to put everything into perspective. I also told him I had always been happy to help honest, sincere people.

Hanging up, I reflected on that call. I kept wondering the value of repeatedly telling me he wished he had beaten Jane instead. He knew I had served with Jane on the council, and should have seen my respect for her. He had beaten me in the election -- why didn't that stand on it's own merit? The lone wolf comment, well I'll let you decide on that one.

The next day things became a little clearer. Speaking to a couple of the other outgoing incumbents, I learned Gil was calling them all with similar statements. He was "working" everyone, but to what end?

My comment to Gil about putting the election into perspective was sincere. I needed a few days to bleed off any excess emotion and try to objectively take the pre-election, election day, and post election events and understand them.

I once read a wonderful saying, " If you lose, don't lose the lesson". I was now trying to do just that--- learn from all of this. I needed to understand what it really meant for the future of our city, what it meant for the city employees, what it meant to my neighbors, and what it meant for me.

Then the first defining moment of many happened -- the Trib published an article about the election results. With the usual MOB diatribe was an accounting of comments by Chuck Garner. He acknowledged running on a platform to remove Yost Zachkary, but suddenly, before serving one day, he said he may have been "harsh". Concerning his campaign platform, “Initially, I did say that. I am a little more thoughtful about it now.”

What? Excuse me? Let me get this straight. You make throwing a man out of his leadership position a focal point of your campaign, but you want to be reflective after winning with that promise? There's more.

Chuck blogs about the upcoming 1st council meeting at which he will be sworn in. He comments, "There will be some delay, as my "orientation" to City workings by Mr. Zakhary is scheduled to take place after the meeting." Why the sarcasm quote marks on orientation?

Mr. Garner goes on to blog "I have heard that a high city official may have circulated the rumor that the new City Council members plan to "shut down the Arboretum" or other nonsense. This is a ridiculous charge, and appears designed to stir up opposition against the new members. I understand that there is perhaps an effort underway to pack the first meeting with those that have been misled by these and other lies."

Folks, as his words sank in, I was speechless. Well for a moment anyway. Here is a newly elected official, who promised citizens more transparency, a higher level of accountability, a higher level of responsibility to the people.
Yet before he is sworn in he:

1. waffles on his promise to remove Yost,

2. reestablishes his lack of respect for Yost,

3. and pushes out a rumor, supposedly from a high city official (lightly veiled reference to Yost) to stir people up? Thoughtful?

On top of all of this, Chuck is disturbed that people may have been lied to which might in turn affect him. What about all of OB's lies?

Sometimes, events in a man's life don't build character; they simply reveal them.

Chuck demonstrated no interest in being thoughtful; he was being purposeful.

Next Blog, the First Council Meeting.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Brickie Revenge

As previously stated, the OB Agenda must have help and an audience to work. MOB was finding an audience with people scared and angry about things outside of Woodway. Now he needed to channel that anger against those that would stop his agenda.

I can't speak to how they found each other, but (3) men decided to embrace MOB and his offer to help elect them. Their last names --- Scibielski, Garner, and Webber. The unofficial OB political party was formed, and the group began to seek city council seats.

In retrospect, their run for office demonstrates a two tier strategy: Candidates would run on their stated platforms while MOB would attack with lies and slander. The candidates' flyers and MOB's letters during the campaign prove this out.

What was the reason for each man to run? From campaign fliers:

Chuck Garner - suggested the last municipal building built was built without any citizen knowledge -- labeled it worth $2 million. He plans to avoid disruption of services, ie water line repairs, which he believes are frequent. Chuck then suggests he can make quality repairs to lines and streets with his ability to manage resources. This alludes to his belief that all past repairs were of poor quality, seemingly due to mismanagement of funds. To his credit he does admit, " Woodway is a great place to live! We have a community that is both safe and beautiful." His campaign flyer states the advertisement is paid for by the Chuck Garner campaign.

Paul Scibielski - " No more increasing the taxes we pay every year"; concerning streets, " the little work done is of poor quality"; concerning utilites, "water and sewer lines aren't replaced"; concerning municipal buildings, " No more wasting tax dollars on: a $2 million second city hall; $100,000's every year to operate 2 city halls"; he adds, " $250,000 to replace city & police vehicles." Finally he is quoted as saying, " I am running to demand financial responsibility from our City Council...I will not be a rubber stamp." From his campaign flyer, a line states this advertisement is paid for by the Paul Scibielski campaign.

Weber - " I am committed to ensuring our city continues to be a great place and will be an engaged and effective community leader." He also states, " Woodway is a great place to live, work, and raise a family . . . with its superb schools, neighborhoods, and communities." His campaign flyer states this advertisement was paid for by the Weber for City Council Campaign.

Additionally, Garner confirmed in a newspaper article of running a campaign to remove Yost Zachary from office.

I apologize if boring, but a little more campaign data. All (3) candidates utilized identical style yard signs, and over 90% were placed together. This simply speaks to the fact that their effort was joint and concerted - probably executed by a single individual acting for all.

I need to restate some of my core beliefs. I believe in the election process, and find it healthy to have a system where citizens elect their officials. Additionally, I believe anyone who is a citizen should have the right to seek and hold office. It's a cornerstone of the American Way and a reflection of a free society. I hold no grudge for the process. I hold no grudge for healthy, honest competition.

So candidates campaigned. MOB wrote letters. Election day came, and when the votes were tallied, all incumbents were voted out by near identical margins, a fascinating statistic. OB's Revenge was complete. Next Blog - Things Get Interesting.


Brickies -- those that support and foster the OB Agenda. The OB plan does not work without an audience and usually requires accomplices to act in supporting roles. Brickies -- remember that name.

Backing up, lets look at how the OBs collided with the City of Woodway. KOB worked for the city as manager of the Carleen Bright Arboretum. An incident involving her and a missing tree (originally purchased with City funds) came to light. An investigation followed, but the results were kept confidential by the city due to employee/employer rules. After her incident, OB agenda letters started showing up with MOBs name on them. Later that year, the city council conducted their annual review of employee salaries and expenditures. We noted that combining the Arboretum Managers job with the WFC Director's position would result in a cost savings to taxpayers. To do so also meant that one director would be retained, one would no longer be needed. In the end, Janet Schaffer, WFC Director, emerged as the best candidate for the new position. She was offered the job and accepted. She has performed admirably, becoming a true asset to the city. The employees who work under her seem happier too. KOB was no longer needed by the city and she was let go. For the record two other cost cutting measures resulted from that council review: consolidation of the offices of Animal Control and Code Enforcement, and elimination of benefits for part-time employees (a widely accepted business practice).

KOB, no longer employed by the City, files a grievance at the state level citing age discrimination. The state reviews and refuses to hear her request. She then files at a national level. The Feds review and refuse to hear her request. Turned down twice, Karen finally files a civil suite against the city. All during this time more and more OB Agenda letters are mailed out, attacking Yost and the city council. Council members made the decision to "turn the other cheek" and not engage MOB in his anger and lies. We believed the good citizens of Woodway would see his over the top lies for what they were. We also believed we would be empowering him by responding to each lie and every letter. In retrospect, that is exactly what we should have done.

As previously noted, the 09 Council proved wonderful Stewards of the Citizen's/City's resources. What we didn't see is that by not responding to MOB's slander, the average citizen was beginning to wonder if there was truth in his message. Forget that prior to the letters, no group expressed unhappiness with city services. Forget the fact that during the last (3) years, no citizen showed up at a council meeting complaining about city improvements and buildings. That includes all (5) challengers to the council seats. Forget the fact that our high bond rating validates a city in great financial health. Forget that the new comprehensive Arboretum plan involved citizen, professional, local patron, and local hotel input and endorsement.

No, people just got scared. Scared not by the realities of Woodway but by the economy and national politics. Mike saw this and sought out help to help himself. Next Blog --Brickie Revenge.

The OB Agenda

In a previous blog, I acknowledged two facts about the OBs: They are smart, and they are active. Unfortunately, history has shown this couple demands complete control over any organization they join or work. When anyone stops that from happening, when anyone disagrees with their agenda, they enact a campaign of unethical and slanderous tactics. It starts by writing letters and saying things that are gross exaggerations, lies, and distortions of the truth. They understand that they must find a sympathetic audience in order to succeed. Sadly, in the process many good people and their reputations are hurt and damaged.

What does the OB "cycle" look like? Like this:
They join an organization, typically public service related (but not exclusively), and begin to work. With increased effort, they soon take on some role of responsibility. Once they have a level of responsibility, they start to impose their will with the ultimate goal of establishing their complete dominance. At some point others in the organization realize that the OBs are no longer serving the original mission statement; instead they are serving their self-importance and craving for control. Next someone in the organization stands up to correct the situation, and the OB attack ensues.

Negative letters are written by the OBs, to local membership, about anyone that stands in their way. The letters are filled with outright lies and untruthful exaggerations.

Two key elements here:
The OBs are ALWAYS portrayed as blameless victims,
and NO WRITTEN PROOF is ever given to support their lies and slander.

When that tactic does not give the desired result, they begin writing letters to regional, state, and national organizations. A large conflict results. Sometimes people leave the organization. Most times the truth comes out after the OBs have damaged reputations and lives of innocent volunteers -- most with track records of honorable service. Finally the OBs are banned from involvement in that organization. This is when they find another organization, and the ugly cycle begins anew.

This might sound incredulous, but evidence proves it happens. Example? Ask the Baylor Track Program about MOB. He tried to take over, demanded keys to the stadium, and tried to get a mailbox with his name on it on Baylor Property. Bigger example? MOB, who spends time with military veteran organizations, was reprimanded by the national organization of the Marine Corp League and removed from a leadership position for "running the cycle". Google the Marine Corp League and discover they are the only nationally chartered veteran's organization in our country. This is a wonderful organization filled with men of honor. These men of honor don't tolerate those without, even within their own ranks. This is huge!

(3) other points about the OB Agenda. First, the OBs always play the "victim card". They tell people they were "wronged" even as they selflessly struggled to serve others in a disadvantaged situation. Secondly, as they build their story they will point out their physical aliments and how they seem to keep going in spite of the challenge (It would be funny if not for the reality of the damage they do). Finally, MOB always states he represents a large group of concerned people, but the rest are afraid of retribution so he will bravely be the "point man".

So, what does this have to do with the City of Woodway? See the next Blog, Brickies.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

What about Yost?

I want to start this blog with some historical, factual statements.

1. Yost has a long history with Woodway, going back 30 years.
2. Yost started his full time career with Woodway as a Police officer in 1981.
3. Yost served as Public Safety Director for Woodway Prior to 2001.
4. Yost was asked by the 01 council to take a new combined position of City Manager/Public Safety Director.
5. That first year of combined service, this consolidation saved the city over $75,000 in salaries.
6. Woodway has had an assistant police chief since the late 90s.
7. Woodway had an assistant city manager before Yost took the combined position.
8. 2001-2002 Yost served as President of the Texas Police Chiefs association.
9. Yost was recently elected vice-president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
10. Karen OBric answered to Yost at the time she was released from city employment last year.
11. Though not mandated, Yost is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Here is a critical point -- all of the above statements can be VERIFIED by Woodway city records. No allegations or innuendos. With those facts, let's talk about Yost. Take the time to talk to city employees and you will find the following: The lion's share either love or like Yost. Additional proof? Employee turnover -- it is desirably low. Watch them work and see a happy cohesive group, even when he is not in the building. That is a reflection of Yost's leadership.

Talk to those in the community that regularly work with Yost, and most like him or respect the way he handles his job. How do you get to be President of the Texas Police Chiefs Association or Vice President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police? It's by having values, professionalism, and a sincere desire to work with others for a greater good.

Am I saying everyone loves or likes him? Not at all. When you are in a leadership position, there will always be those that disagree with you or have personality conflicts with you. Others wanted special treatment that was not granted, holding a grudge. Look at your own life experiences, and you will see there are those that don't like you without good reason. It happens.

Has Yost ever made a mistake? Sure he has. But I have always found Yost open to correction and the will of the people, when they take the time to talk to him. Now if it's a beauty contest, Yost understands he won't win. But that's okay...he knows his limitations too.

I mentioned two offices held by Yost outside of Woodway - President of Texas Police Chiefs Association and Vice-president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Detractors will say "see, he spends time away from the city!". I will tell you time spent away from the city is actually very little and always endorsed by the seated council at the time. Why? Because they understood that holding leadership in these programs gains Woodway Public Safety access to programs a city our size wouldn't get otherwise. It also allows Woodway to share ideas with other successful departments, again improving our Public Safety. This is a win for citizens. Proof? How many cities of our size have a swat team, good enough to be called on by neighboring communities?

Yost and I haven't always agreed. That's okay. Personally I like Yost, impressed by his ethic and the organization under him. I like him because he is consistent. Know Yost today and you know how he will react tomorrow. I understand there are those that don't, but they are a minority. So why the sudden concern over Yost having too much power? Tomorrow I explain the OB Agenda.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

09' Council Legacy

The 09 Woodway City Council is arguably one of the best groups, private or public, I have ever had the pleasure to serve with. The wonderful citizens that comprised that council ---Don Baker, De Smith, Barbara Tennison, Jane Kittner, Jerry Don Mathis, and Scott Giddings.

Woodway's charter calls for the Mayor to be elected by the city council from a seated councilman. Don Baker was unanimously elected for all the right reasons. Don embodies all the things you want in a Mayor - a "people person", enthusiastic promoter of the city, defender of citizens, encourager of volunteers. He was involved in every major decision of the council, offering thoughtful guidance and leadership. Don had no personal or hidden agenda-- everything he did, he did for Woodway. Period. He was always present at every community function, never failing to give the credit to others. Don was/is a wonderful and faithful voice for the City of Woodway.

We were a very gender balanced council - 3 women, 4 men. Of the women, all are accomplished professionals. Barbara has always been in local real estate, successfully owning her own company at one time. De Smith served with Senator Kip Averitt, bringing savvy and experience
from a much larger stage for our service. Jane Kittner is a principal in her own architectural firm, with invaluable experience in local construction and design. Regarding the men, Jerry Don Mathis is a very successful business man, owning and operating C&M outdoor equipment on Hwy 84. Scott is involved in granite sales for the monument market - a specialized niche. Scott, the newest member of the 09 council, came with experience of service as a councilman and mayor of Marble Falls. Finally Don Baker provided law experience with years of private practice in the greater Waco area.

The best description of this council would be "Many Minds, One Heart". They possessed the skill and independence to analyze any subject, see all sides, and then act with the understanding of what best serves the city and citizens. We shared great respect for each other and those employed by Woodway. With "incumbent backlash", the 09 Council leaves the City of Woodway with the following Legacy:

Tax rate held for 7 years running -- NO TAX INCREASE
Highest bond rating ever---reflecting a solid, desirable City Budget.
Lowest overall city debt--- proof of commitment to a balance budget.
Lowest Public Safety response time --- Less than 3 minutes in 10'.
High city employee satisfaction--high talent retention, low turnover.
Greatest annual expenditure on road repair--- improved city roads.
New water well added to existing supply of wells.
Master Plan developed for the Arboretum to become a regional draw.
Responded to city growth by adding additional municipal building, Woodway Family Center improvements, paved a shared parking lot between WFC and City Buildings.

All city council meetings were open to the public and publicly posted. Regular newsletters reported city events and business. A long range master plan, set by previous councils, outlined a controlled vision of growth for city services. Additionally we formed a task force of city employees, Planning and Zoning volunteers, business professionals, and local developers ( think Lake Forest and Badger Ranch) to review and revamp our procedures and rules ensuring that future developments would provide quality roads, workable review processes, and quality construction. We did all these things without much fanfare or "beating our own drums". This was a very self-less group of City Servants.

So what about the City Manger/Public Safety Director, Yost Zakhary, what's the deal about him? See you next blog.

A Perfect Storm..............

The best description of what happened on election day is the phrase "a perfect storm". Before I speak about "the storm", let me take a moment to describe my past years of civic service. I have always been convicted that if you want a good community environment to raise your family , you must be an active participant. Since living in the greater Waco area, I have served at numerous functions and in numerous organizations. Church, Kiwanis, HOT Soccer ( coach, BOD, and President), MISD MAST committee, Woodway Planning & Zoning, Woodway City Council, etc. I graduated from the Woodway Citizen Police Academy, learning as much as I could about our city Public Safety. I list these things for background purposes only -- I have always been the benefactor spiritually when serving with an open heart. In short, giving is receiving. My faith leads me to understand that if my effort is sincere, God will bless it. So to God I give thanks and to God goes the glory.

Back to the "perfect storm". I believe three things defined and built this "storm". First, the economy has citizens nervous and uneasy. These are financially troubling times, and not much on the news offers hope. Secondly, the average working citizen has been angered over the current presidential administration forcing national agendas, which in turn increases national debt and taxes. This anger has manifested in a growing "incumbent backlash", a " throw them out regardless of who they are" mentality. Finally, uneasy and angry from the first two, voters became a fertile ground to grow the slander and lies of a person named Mike OBric.

Listen, the economy is what it is. No one person can change it -- I can't, you can't. Concerning National Politics, this also is something I can't change as an individual at this time. I do believe if Woodway is any indication, a lot of incumbents will be voted out on the national scene in November. Some bad, some good. The danger for the public is that when votes are cast strictly on the emotion of " throw the incumbents out", it's easy to lose sight of the fact that by default you are voting someone else in. A familiar saying warns--- "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water". Anger that says "anyone is better than the guy in office " is plain scary. Finally, there is Mike OBric. Speak of Mike and you speak of Karen OBric. The two are inseparable. Whatever one does, the other has involvement. They are smart people and they are active people. Beyond that, their history reveals a power hungry and destructive path under the guise of self sacrifice. More on them later. Tomorrow's Blog - the 09' Council Legacy.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Hello neighbors, greetings to all. My name is Robert Humphrey and this is my journal.

I have lived in Woodway for 18 years, raising my family here. My first blog admission -- I love Woodway! Have from the moment we bought our house here. Great friends, great neighbors; great public safety. Hospitals nearby. Shopping too. No place is perfect, but this is as close as I've seen. Coming from the DFW area, all it took was one weekend to know this is where we needed to be.

First things first -- Thanks are in order. Thank you First Baptist Woodway -- your love and community of faith have blessed my family, continue to bless us beyond measure. Thank you wonderful teachers of Midway ISD -- your dedication, high standards, and self-less effort imparted a wonderful education on my sons. Thank you to my neighbors and friends for caring for my family, making me laugh. Most of all thank you Tammy-- loving, faithful wife. Sweet giver. Wonderful mother, advocate for children. More than book knowledge, you dare to teach the greater lessons of compassion, respect, and accountability to every child you touch.

These are my people -- the ones I love, laugh, and cry with. See a pattern here? God has blessed me with extraordinary people leading ordinary lives. People we see at HEB, little league dads and soccer moms. People who line up at Leal's for a breakfast burrito. People who want a clean, safe, community. People who want good neighbors. People who chose Woodway because of all these things.

Second admission -- I'm a first time blogger. I wouldn't be doing this except for some extraordinary, recent events. On May 8th, the City of Woodway held municipal elections for four City Council Seats. Once tallied, the count revealed all four incumbents voted out, four new challengers in. Based on what I've heard, most people were surprised at the the turnout, at the decisive results. I am one of the incumbents voted out. Although disappointed, I believe in our electoral process and respect the right of citizen choice. So why the blog? Tell you tomorrow.