Sunday, August 8, 2010

What to Expect from MOB

The independent investigation of Yost Zakhary has been completed and the results due back in the next couple of weeks. As noted in my last blog, Mayor Weber said these results will first be reviewed by the council in closed session. Following the closed portion, the meeting will be opened to the public and the results detailed for citizens. Afterwards, a motion will be made and the council will vote. They can vote to accept the results, vote to reject the results, or make a motion altogether different. What they can't do is sit on the fence any longer. After this special meeting, each councilman will have placed on record, in one way or another, the following:
1. Whether or not they believe MOB allegations are truthful and have merit.
2. Whether City Manager Yost Zahkary committed any wrongful behavior or unlawful acts.

The results affect everyone involved - Yost, current council members, past council members,
citizens, and the O'Brics. So let's talk about the OBs.

Based on everything revealed to date, I believe there will be no big surprises and Yost's reputation will be restored. When that happens, what will MOB do?

If he makes the meeting, expect a defiant speech. He will cry foul, saying a conspiracy against the good citizens was carried out in the dark of night. He will wail how his "brave wife" has been humiliated and persecuted. He will stress how the REAL evidence was destroyed or manipulated by those loyal to Yost. He will talk of travesty. He will also tell everyone of the great personal toll this has taken on his health and that of Karen. In short, he will say and do all the things he has done in the past, accepting no responsibility for his damaging actions. If he doesn't make the meeting, expect the same rantings in letter form.

MOB is a creature of habit. If he can get press from the paper, he will rehash his conspiracy theory. If television news comes calling, expect him to hide once more. Then as the attention wains and the spotlight fades, expect the following -- MOB will begin to hunt for a new victim. He will look for some organization eager for "hands on" help, an organization with a good reputation that needs active participants. When he finds such a group, expect "the cycle" to begin all over.

If you see MOB surface in another group, take courage and ask that group if they know about Mike, really know about Mike. If they don't, do the right thing and share the truth.