Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Deafening Silence

For weeks now, it's been growing. And now it's so loud, it practically drowns out everything else. Hear that -- or rather don't hear that? It's the overwhelming silence, the noise that is gone. What happened? Where did it go? Is it coming back?

"The Silence". Like a child maturing into a good adult, it is the product of caring people, family, and friends. It is the culmination of perseverance and dedication to noble principals that serve the greater good we call Woodway. The principals of self-sacrifice over self-service, of truth over slander. It represents the idea that right is might, that good things are worth fighting for.

So what has been silenced?

1. The lies of Micheal O'Bric. MOB, who has hurt more area people than he ever helped, has suddenly quit spewing his poison. He has prematurely ended his "victory lap" and disappeared. Edmund Burke once said " All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." MOB was on his way to proving just that. Except out of these dark days good men AND WOMEN of Woodway decided to put a stop to his madness. They stood up in public, stood face to face with MOB, and challenged his allegations. They championed facts over fiction, truth over slander. Their courage became contagious. It led to interest by local television, the first media to really question MOB and ask for proof. Next thing you know, Saddam O'Bric not only jumped down his spider hole, but he and Karen called the Woodway Police and wanted charges against Channel 10 News for trespassing when they rang the doorbell and asked for an audience. MOB, the man in love with printed media when they were repeating his fabrications, demanded police protection from broadcast media when they put him under the microscope. Folks, some things you just can't make up.

2. The Support for MOB. Since May, those demanding justice have grown in numbers and voice. Conversely, those supporting the MOB agenda have strangely lost their voice. Maybe the mounting facts have become too much for them to bear. Maybe they've actually had a change of heart, feeling deceived themselves. No matter they are silent. Hey, what about the grass roots group that Mike claimed to be the leader of, Woodway Citizens Concerned For Good City Government? Remember, pre-election, how they were suppose to be afraid? Not afraid of supporting a man with no ethics in his quest to damage others, but oddly afraid to have their name mentioned for fear of retribution?

Well, their candidates not only won, but became the majority. And with that, suddenly there was no reason to hide. The candidates they supported control the council. So, where are they at city meetings -- who are they? Why haven't they come forward with pride at their accomplishment, proud of their association with MOB? Ollie, Ollie, Oxen, All In Free!

Mayor Weber announced last night that at the next appointed council meeting, he believes the final investigation will be complete and results presented to the council. After closed session, the council will then come out and the findings presented to the public. Then the council will have to vote publicly on a final response. Come early, it should be interesting. Please save a seat for Mike.

Next week - What to Expect From MOB