Saturday, August 28, 2010

He's Back

Dear readers, sorry for taking so long to get this out.

Local liar and bad guy, MOB, is back. He has written ANOTHER letter, this time kindly thanking the council for validating him by way of the independent investigation.

Any apologies for wasting the citizens of Woodway's money on his lies? Nope. Any apologies to Yost for slander? Nope. Any remorse for his actions? Of course not. His "gracious" letter is a thank you note to the mayor and council for acting on his lies and slander without him having to provide one single piece of evidence.

Strange, this is the same MOBster that did not have the courage to show up at the council meeting when the results were presented. This is the same MOBster that claims to speak for the Woodway majority, yet he must protect this group and not reveal their identities.

Folks, this is Mike O'Bric 101. The only rules he wants to follow are his own, the only "Truth" is in his head. But why the "nice" tone of this letter, when all others have been venom?

He still wants the city to settle his wife's lawsuit against Yost and the city. Not only will Karen profit if that happens, but he will too. They share and share alike. Also, he doesn't want the city to look into Karen's improprieties as manager at the Arboretum. Not only would that hurt her lawsuit against the city, but she could conceivably become the defendant of a lawsuit by the city to demand rightful funds she withheld for personal gain. Unlike the MOBster's wild claims, there is evidence of her questionable actions in the city records -- I have seen it.

But probably the most immediate reason is MOB believes he has friends on the council. He contributed to their campaigns, directly and indirectly. Some have acknowledged this, some have not claimed his contribution or tried to hide it. He also invested personal time in their campaigns to be elected, and greeted them at a victory party.

Yes, the MOBster believes he has friends on the council - and why not? Have you heard any of the new members publicly state they stand against MOB and his agenda? No? Have any publicly said they will not tolerate his lies? Have you heard any of them state that Michael O'Bric and those that donated to his cause should reimburse the city for the cost of the independent investigation? No? Then ask yourself a simple question..... WHY NOT?

The mayor stated the independent investigation cost $25,000 -- that is not true. That only represents the portion of the bill by Barney Knight. To be accurate, it must include money spent with the two city attorneys, as well as time spent by city employees gathering information. My best guess is $40,000 to $60,000. This is a huge amount of taxpayer money just to provide a second investigation of the internal investigation which also found no merit to the allegations. Remember that internal investigation was directed and managed by the new council.

The time has come for the city council to "man up". The council was so relieved to walk away from this matter that they forgot a crucial part of the healing process. They must now speak up for their actions as individuals and not hide behind a group dynamic. They must state their relationship to MOB past, present, and future. If they don't, the MOBster will hang around and ask them for more time, unjustified injury, and money to be spent for his evil crusade.

The council spent thousands and thousands of our tax dollars on this wild goose chase, even after some ran on a platform to bring integrity and financial responsibility to city leadership. Since they are reluctant to be forth coming, I will do my part to help them find personal integrity. In my next blog I will layout how much money and funds each member of the council received, new and returning members, and how MOB was involved.