Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Needs to Happen Next

Tomorrow, Monday June 28th, the mayor has called a special city council meeting, a closed session. This will be the 3rd executive session in 4 council meetings. According to the posted agenda, there will be:

"1. A closed meeting will be held pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Government Code (V.C.T.A.) so that the City Council may deliberate the employment, evaluation, duties, discipline or dismissal of, or complaints/grievances regarding, a City officer or employee and Section 551.071 of the Government Code (V.C.T.A.) so that the City Council can seek and receive legal advice from its attorneys regarding pending or threatened litigation, settlement offers, claims, or other matters for which the attorneys� duties to their client under the Texas State Bar Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct conflicts with the Open Meetings Act (Ch.551, Gov. Code), including, but not limited to: allegations against City Manager made by a citizen.

2.Discussion and consider action regarding retention of outside counsel to consult with the City Council and review allegations against City Manager/Police Chief."

The mayor is not allowing any open time for citizens to comment - on this matter or any other. At the last meeting visitors were put last on the agenda and made to wait; this meeting no visitor comments will be allowed. Mayor Bill Weber missed the first council meeting and did not show up for the Banquet held last week to recognize the good people that serve on Woodway's Boards and Commissions. From a man whose campaign flyer promised an engaged leader, his actions say something different.

So, what needs to happen at this point? What do the councilmen and the city council as a whole need to do to restore trust and the idea that they serve the city and all citizens?

Concerning the New Council Members:
They ran for office and won. They wanted leadership positions and voted two of their own to mayor and mayor pro-tem, in spite of a lack of experience. They have had almost two months to get up to speed. The " be patient with me I've never done this before" card has expired. Time to conduct the city's business with integrity and efficiency.

More importantly, they owe the citizens of Woodway honesty. They owe citizens the truth about their campaign contributions and they owe the truth about their relationship with MOB.

They will be voting on how to proceed with the allegations against Yost Zakhary yet they themselves have not filed all their campaign funding reports. As of last week, Gil Lillard had yet to file anything. Gil is the same man that announced ( at the last council meeting) that he was not a politician, but a statesman.

You might ask, "Why is this important?" It's important because according to MOB, Dr Scibielski and Dr. Garner took campaign funds from him. It is known Mayor Weber took campaign help from MOB. Although Mr. Lillard has waffled on his "knowledge" of MOB's involvement in his campaign, he has admitted to a strategy session with MOB and the other new members (pre-election). It's important because it is unethical for any office holder to vote on matters where they have received favor or have an influenced relationship with any of the concerned parties. They can't take money from MOB and then pretend to vote from an unbiased position on allegations he has made. And this extends to matters about his wife. Any man that received favor from MOB must abstain from any voting concerning Karen's court case. That is the correct and ethical thing to do. Said another way, if they vote on these matters, given their history, then they prove unethical. Giving back money now won't square the deal - they simply must abstain.

Concerning the existing Council Members:
The existing council has a responsibility to the citizens as well - they must be honest. Any allegation they know to be a lie or false, they must speak out against it. If they know an allegation to be true, they must expose it. They must vote the truth regardless of it's affect on their popularity with either citizens or other council members. The citizens of Woodway, those for and against Yost, deserve the truth.

Concerning the Council as a Whole:
They must put aside personal agendas and take care of all the citizens. They must honor their oath of office and not their egos. They must represent the city of Woodway with honesty, dignity, and integrity. They must be humble enough to openly admit when they make a mistake, apologize and learn from it. They must openly support the city staff and volunteers. Each councilman must remember his vote is no more important than other member's, his position no higher than that of citizen. They must be frugal with the citizen's money. They must not show favoritism for any one group of citizens, but treat all equally. Finally, they must put themselves last - they are servants of the city. Do these things, and they will preserve the wonderful place we call Woodway.

Next Blog..The Doctor's Dilemma