Monday, June 14, 2010

Detour # 2

Tonight will be the third council meeting. I will post my entry "the Real OBs" next entry. I want to take a moment and share some observations and comments.

The Waco Trib printed an article about Woodway blogs this past Saturday. Two items discussed in my interview, but not in the article, were the value of blogging (not subject matter) and allowing comments to be posted.

Speaking to Erin Quinn at the Trib, I emphasized that blogging allowed me to have my voice heard "unfiltered". By that I mean no editing by others or interpretation by third party analysts before becoming public. The words in this blog, like them or not, are my words and deliver a complete message.

Concerning blog comments, I elected not to allow them for similar reasons. Commenting works great on do-it-yourself websites, but prove problematic on any other type of internet report. Erin acknowledged the Trib quit allowing comments to their website articles. Mr. Garner reviews his comments and only allows certain ones - he has pulled some off or disallowed them on his blog. As a blogger, it is too tempting to keep the ones you like and remove those you don't. For readers, it's too easy for some to portray themselves anonymously and have no responsibility for their comments or worse portray themselves as many different individuals. In the end, a comment section becomes subjective and not an accurate portrayal of your readership. I'm comfortable the Trib came to similar conclusions.

Not wanting to fall into that trap, I have left my blog in simple format without comments. I trust you the reader to decide for yourselves in an honest environment without the filtered influence of others.

Next blog will be back on task - the Real OBs.